Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 1, 2013

Sell Beats Online For Extra Profits

Beat makers all over the world are consistently struggling to find knowledge on how to sell beats, yet almost nobody seems to get past the idea of selling beats to record labels. The problem is, with the digital revolution at hand, it's become highly competitive for producers around the world. Since almost anybody can afford a beat making program and with the turn of new technologies, more and more producers are popping up all over the place and they're all trying to sell to one group... Record labels.
It's always been a shock to me to realize that so many beat makers around the world have not yet realized that selling beats online is the best way to go in the independent age. All you have to do is promote your own beat store in the right way and you'll be finding yourself in a great position running a business on the internet. Rappers everywhere are turning to the net to purchase beats and if you're there to sell them, you're in luck.
Rappers and Hip Hop artists internationally are turning to websites like Soundclick, MySpace, RocBattle and MyBeatShop to find the instrumentals needed to create an album or hone their skills as a at-home studio engineer. Since even major artists like 50 Cent are buying beats off these websites for their upcoming album, it's easy to see that online Beat Selling is becoming a seductive enterprise that everybody is picking up on.
One reason why artists are flocking towards the internet to buy and sell beats is definitely price of admission. It's a lot cheaper for a rapper to buy exclusive rights from a humble producer on the internet who's trying to run a hip hop business, while it's almost impossible to come up with the big bucks needed to buy production from the big time producers. Plus, underground artists make dope beats and will sell them fast!
Also, when an artist goes online to buy beats, they're going to be discussing terms and price directly with the small time producer who made the beat. This means no middle men and no labels to pay off. Most importantly, it also means that time spent for negotiation is cut down to almost nothing. This is very helpful for independent record labels and artists in general who are trying to meet a deadline for a project.
Beats sell and learning how to sell beats online has been thought to be, by many, the wave of the future. The first place to start is definitely and if you don't already have a free account at least then you need to visit that site immediately after reading this and sign up. That's step one.
Websites like MyBeatShop and RocBattle probably seem to be the best sites to sell beats on because they have their own beat store set up with every account... This is wrong. The fact of the matter is, these two websites were built specifically for producers, not for rappers... Meaning you're promoting yourself to other beat makers who are obviously not going to buy your beats. It's very important to promote on Soundclick because there are 1.4 million rappers signed up already, meaning your target audience is just sitting there, ready and waiting to buy.
Don't forget that learning How to Sell Beats on the internet is one of the fastest and best ways for you to make an income as an up and coming producer. Do not underestimate the power of selling beats and don't trick yourself into thinking that it's impossible. It's very possible and many producers, including myself, are making FULL TIME incomes from the internet this way. Visit the links in the paragraph below (my resource box) and download the eBooks to learn more.
I know you want to Sell Beats, so visit Kyle A's site on how to find the best Beat Selling information available on the internet.

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