Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 1, 2013

Dubstep Beat Maker - Some Great Production Advice

This article about learning to become a pro Dubstep Beat Maker deals with other important issues that you need to have completely resolved before you can even think of embarking on a path of Dubstep beat making. We've dealt with a lot of elements regarding software, hardware and production techniques, yet now we'll dive into the "behind the scenes" work that every DJ must have completed. So without taking up too much time let's see what the next part of this complete tutorial looks like.
Knowing how
It doesn't matter if you have the most expensive gear or editing software in your arsenal, if you don't know how to use them to their best abilities they mean nothing. When you get synths and LFO's and all the multitude of "things" you can get within the music production lifestyle, you need to study up on each of these elements. There are literally thousands of tutorials on absolutely every conceivable VSTi, gear and software out there. All you need to do is take the time to learn these elements inside and out, the more you know the more versatility and control you have over the production. Nobody said it will all be fun and games so I strongly suggest you take the time to brush up on your synth knowledge and production know how.
Choose your songs
When you are thinking about releasing music you need to really sit down and think about it. The first impression of your work will always be how the people perceive you afterwards. Thus take time and do some test runs with a track before plumping it on a CD and marketing it. You need to understand your demographics and what they like in order to actually become a profitable DJ.
Platforms to sell
You need to also become more visible and the best way to do this is by getting on all the major social networks and websites you possibly can. This means getting on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, having your own website, having a platform to host your music and so on. The better prepared you are online the higher your chances of getting more exposure and ultimately selling albums. In addition to the "virtual" paperwork you'll need, you'll also need a PR kit and contracts for when a gig comes through one of your various online platforms.
Be professional
If you merely want to be a DJ for the sake of being a DJ then by all means skip this part. But if you are truly interested in becoming a "professional" then you'll need to act like one. This means not getting drunk or high when performing, to be on time and to always be a dependable product. The thing is that the moment you become professional is the exact moment that you start working on your brand. If you are a DJ that is constantly late or plays more than the time that was stated in the contract, you send an image of being reckless and non-dependable. If you want to make it in the world of music you need to increase the value of your act and become easier to hire. Always maintain a professional aspect when you work and in the end you'll see that it will pay off.
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